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Heartstrings Community Project (Crestholme)
Heartstrings Community Project (Crestholme) is a Christian community based organisation. Our vision is to empower people with hope and dignity in a variety of ways.
Our Heart is to bring communities together through our Organisation
"Heartstrings" in this way connecting the disadvantaged to the more
advantaged communities.
Here are our banking details HEARTSTRINGS COMMUNITY PROJECT FNB BRANCH CODE 250655 ACC NO 62515353233 SWIFT CODE. FIRNZAJJ (For our overseas friends)
We are a registered organization and have a PBO Number 930052507.
On our Website we have PayFast go to link..
Thank you for partnering with us to EMPOWER PEOPLE - UPLIFT COMMUNITIES - CONNECT HEARTS .
Mike 083 407 4680
Paula 083 7824531

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